主營產品: 其他電阻器
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Actually, I am trying to build a current monitor for a wireless sensor network. I am going to use a current sense resistor as the current will pass through the resistor. By measuring the value of the voltage, the current value can be calculated.
My application is very sensitive as the current that will be measured is in the range of mA, 30 mA maximum.
When it came to buying the resistors I got confused. I found a type of resistor called 'precision resistor' that has a very small error, and another one called 'current sense resistor'. I wasn’t sure what were the differences between these to types of resistors, not until one day I reached out to Thunder-precision resistor, their customer service department presented a clear explanation to me.
盛雷城精密電阻有限公司生產制造的 EE 系列超高穩定性金屬膜電阻器是使用高溫模壓封裝,絕緣性能和抗潮濕性能都很高,標準溫度系數測量溫度區間減少為 60 °C,如果需要零下溫度性能,則可以提供負溫溫度系數測試。溫度系數可到 ±2 PPM/°C,阻值覆蓋至 5 Ohm。提供給設計工程師的軍事合格品質的精密電阻元器件。
金屬膜精密電阻 EE 系列是 Vishay,IRC,松下理想的替代元件,并提供更有競爭力的價格和快速交貨服務。聯系我們與您的特定需求。
盛雷城精密電阻有限公司生產制造的RJM73U0204和 RJM74U0207系列超晶圓電阻器具有超高穩定性和可靠性,是VISHAY公司 UMA0204 和 UMB0207系列的完全替代產品。
Ultra-precision melf type resistors series RJM73U0204 and RJM74U0207 are of ultra high stability and reliability. They are the right cross to Vishay's UMA0204 and UMB0207.