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店鋪主推品 熱銷潛力款
適用于各種進口國產螺桿空壓機、滑片式空壓機(如:瑞典Atlas.Copco(阿特拉斯),美國SULLAIR(壽力),Ingersoll-Rand(英格索蘭),英國CompAir(康普艾),日本HITACHI(日立),KOBELCO(神鋼),Iwata(巖田),德國ECOAIR(艾高),BOGE(寶駒),KAESER(凱撒),HANNOVEI(漢諾威),Lingein(凌格風),臺灣FS(復盛),柳州LiUTEHCH(富達),Schneider(施耐德),昆西Quincy,優耐特unite,聚才JuCai,霸爾BAUER,風霸HYDROVANE,巨霸PUMA,瑪拉MAHLE,三井MITSUISEKI,羅德康普ROTORCOMP,優耐特斯(UNITED OSD),博萊特(BLT),Gardner Denver(GD),伯格(Boge),Elliott(埃里奧特), 三星(Samsung), ALUP ,賀爾碧格(HOERBIGER ), 庫伯(Cooper) ,漢鐘(Hanbell),維肯(Weiken),五洋賽德(WOYO SUPDO), 斯可絡(SCR),錫壓(XY) ,正力精工(Ganey) ,施耐德日盛 ,飛和(feihe) ,優耐特斯(UNITED OSD),佳力士(Gairs),申行健(SEC),固力GOODAIR,瑪泰MATTEIN,柯龍AIRKRONE,韓信HANSHIN,天鵝SWAM,曼MANN,向陽ROTOCOMP
Oil and gas separator is one of the types of oil and gas separation device.
Oil and gas separation of components is decided to air compressor compressed air quality of key components, the quality of the oil and gas separation device not only can ensure the high efficiency of compressor work, and the filter service life can amount to thousands of hours. From compression head out of the compressed air entrainment, big and small oil droplets. Lard drops through the easy separation of oil and gas separation tank, and small oil droplets (below 1 um in diameter particles suspended oil) must be through the oil and gas separation filter filtering micron and glass fiber filter material layer. Oil particles through filtering material diffusion effect, directly blocked by filter material and condensation of inertia collision mechanism, make the compressed air in the suspended particles quickly condenses into lard oil drops and oil under the action of gravity concentration in oil at the bottom of the core, by importing returns the nose concave return pipe at the bottom of the lubricating oil system, so that the compressor discharge more pure oil free compressed air. Compressed air of solid particles after oil core stranded in the filter layer, which leads to increasing oil core differential pressure (resistance). As the oil core using time growth, when the oil core differential pressure is 0.08 to 0.1 Mpa, the filter must be replaced, or increase the compressor running costs (electricity).
適用于各種進口國產螺桿空壓機、滑片式空壓機(如:瑞典Atlas.Copco(阿特拉斯),美國SULLAIR(壽力),Ingersoll-Rand(英格索蘭),英國CompAir(康普艾),日本HITACHI(日立),KOBELCO(神鋼),Iwata(巖田),德國ECOAIR(艾高),BOGE(寶駒),KAESER(凱撒),HANNOVEI(漢諾威),Lingein(凌格風),臺灣FS(復盛),柳州LiUTEHCH(富達),Schneider(施耐德),昆西Quincy,優耐特unite,聚才JuCai,霸爾BAUER,風霸HYDROVANE,巨霸PUMA,瑪拉MAHLE,三井MITSUISEKI,羅德康普ROTORCOMP,優耐特斯(UNITED OSD),博萊特(BLT),Gardner Denver(GD),伯格(Boge),Elliott(埃里奧特), 三星(Samsung), ALUP ,賀爾碧格(HOERBIGER ), 庫伯(Cooper) ,漢鐘(Hanbell),維肯(Weiken),五洋賽德(WOYO SUPDO), 斯可絡(SCR),錫壓(XY) ,正力精工(Ganey) ,施耐德日盛 ,飛和(feihe) ,優耐特斯(UNITED OSD),佳力士(Gairs),申行健(SEC),固力GOODAIR,瑪泰MATTEIN,柯龍AIRKRONE,韓信HANSHIN,天鵝SWAM,曼MANN,向陽ROTOCOMP
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