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S70601-SENA-NA-0X9由科爾莫根制造,是其S700伺服驅動系列的一部分。這些驅動器的特點是S1操作的額定線路功率為4.5千伏安,峰值輸出電流為18安均方根值。此外,額定電壓為208-480伏,最大DC總線鏈路電壓為900伏 科爾莫根被廣泛認為是運動控制產品和系統的可靠和聲譽良好的品牌。該公司提供許多不同的產品,包括線性的 定位器,電的 圓筒,驅動,發動機和數字伺服放大器。由制造的數字伺服放大器科爾莫根在下面S700 系列。 這S700系列具有堅固、可靠和高性能的特點。這s 70601-SENA-北美-0X9是S700系列關于數字伺服放大器。該伺服放大器的額定電流為6安培,額定電壓為208-480伏。它有一個標準的單通道STO機械選項。這個伺服放大器有一個SERCOS擴展卡在插槽1中,插槽2和3中沒有擴展卡。這s 70601-SENA-北美-0X9有EtherCAT和CANopen板載,沒有固件選項。該放大器的電源部分直接由接地的三相電源供電,并具有一個B6橋式整流器,該整流器帶有一個集成軟啟動電路和電源濾波器。該數字伺服放大器有多個輸入和輸出,包括2個可編程模擬輸入、4個可編程數字輸入和2個可編程數字輸出。 這s 70601-SENA-北美-0X9所有連接都有屏蔽,外殼保護為IP20。該放大器不得暴露在灰塵或水中,并且必須安裝在有以下部件的位置充分通風。為了平穩運行,科爾莫根建議s 70601-SENA-北美-0X9必須安裝在豎直位置。這款數字伺服放大器具有多項安全功能,包括斷相保護、軟啟動、安全扭矩切斷和短路保護。該放大器的輔助電源電壓為24V DC既有電絕緣又有內部熔斷。這s 70601-SENA-北美-0X9推薦的工作溫度介于0℃至40℃ electronic drives, AC drives, motors, AC motors, actuators & mechanical systems, sensors & feedback devices, other ancillary components, and support services. The strongest growth sectors in 2011 include motion controllers, AC drives, AC motors, and other ancillary components. MCA reports are based on confidential data provided by member companies. The data is aggregated and summarized in quarterly tracking reports and trend analysis reports. These reports examine orders and shipments by major product category quarterly and annually. Growth rates and book-to-bill ratios are provided for each product category. MCA also provides an economic indicator report, which enables report users to interpret quarterly statistics from the standpoint of macro-economic indicators by individual manufacturing industry, as identified by the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS). Additionally, each quarterly report includes a forward-looking report that identifies and summarizes industry predictions for growth in the next two quarters. Most reports are available free of charge to all MCA members. Members providing data for the reports receive “full” versions of the summary and trend analysis reports, which are highly detailed examinations of order and shipment results and also the economic indicator and industry sentiment reports. Non-participating members receive “abridged” versions of the summary and trend analysis reports, which contain shipment results. Members find the reports |