店鋪主推品 熱銷潛力款
The GigaTronics 8651A Universal Power Meter has the extensive measurement capabilities and features you need to test todays sophisticated communications systems faster, easier and more accurately. The 8651A can measure the CW power, peak power and average power of TDMA, GSM, and CDMA (both IS-95 and third-generation 10 MHz wide band) signals. CW measurement speeds (readings/second) over GPIB are >1,750 and modulated measurement speeds are >300. And the Gigatronics 8651A includes many time saving features such as automatic time gate setting, direct crest factor measurement, and statistical power measurement analysis.
Other features and specifications include:
- 100 kHz to 40 GHz Frequency Range, depending on sensor
- -70 to +47 dBm Power Range, depending on sensor
- Linearity ±0.02 dB
- 20 MHz Maximum Diode Sensor Video Bandwidth
- 10 MHz Instrument Video Bandwidth
- Maximum CW Single Sensor Dynamic Range: 90 dB
- 100 ns Maximum Peak Power Sensor Rise Time
- Automatic Time Gate Setting
- Direct Crest Factor MeasurementStatistical Power Measurement Analysis
- Uniform Sample Rate of 20 MHz and Random Sample Rate from 2.5 to 5 MHz
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