店鋪主推品 熱銷潛力款
XN45 is a piperazine-based nanofiltration membrane with the versatility to be used in process streams as well as low pressure water purification. XN45 elements have high rejection of divalent ions while allowing the great majority of monovalent ions to pass through the membrane. With a molecular weight cut-off in the range of 300-500 Daltons, XN45 is ideal for the demineralization of organic solutes. XN45 membrane is available in a wide variety of element designs for food, dairy and process applications.
TurboClean® elements feature a patented sanitary hard-shell design that delivers better system performance due to about 60% less bypass flow than other sanitary elements. Lower bypass flow results in energy savings and/or higher flux rates as more of the feed flows across the membrane surface instead of around the outside of the element. Higher cross-flow velocity also results in the most effective membrane cleaning. TurboClean elements are stronger than net-wrapped sanitary elements and are able to withstand higher pressure drops. And with the tightest OD tolerance and optimal circularity, TurboClean elements are the easiest elements to load and unload.
2 Strongest sanitary element 2 Most effective cleaning and sanitizing 2 Lower effective recovery | 2 Energy savings 2 Ease of installation
國初科技(廈門)有限公司供應各種規格美國TRISEP膜組件、美國TRISEP微濾膜、美國TRISEP超濾膜 、美國TRISEP納濾膜、美國TRISEP反滲透膜、美國TRISEP高溫膜、美國TRISEP1812膜、美國TRISEP2540膜、美國TRISEP4040膜、美國TRISEP8040膜、美國TRISEP水處理膜、美國TRISEP物料分離膜、美國TRISEP中空膜、美國TRISEP卷式膜、美國TRISEP特種膜、2540-XN45-TSF、4040-XN45-TSF、4040-XN45- TSA、8040-XN45-TSA、8040-XN45-TSFA、8040-XN45-UWA、8040-XN45-UWFA、3838-XN45-31、3838-XN45-46、3838-XN45-47P、TurboClean® NF 3840-XN45-31 TurboClean® NF 3840-XN45-47P、TurboClean® NF 3840-XN45-65、TurboClean® NF 6338-XN45-31、TurboClean® NF 8038-XN45-31、TurboClean® NF 8038-XN45-46、TurboClean® NF 8038-XN45-47P、TurboClean® NF 8038-XN45-65