南京百中匯物資貿易有限公成立于2015年,注冊資金1000萬元,公司成立至今,得到了社會各界同仁的大力支持和認可,與多家銀行建立了緊密的合作關系,憑借公司雄厚的資金實力,常年備有大量的現貨資源,使公司業務得到了迅速拓展;自創立自今,公司一直秉承“以客戶需求為中心、以服務爭市場、以管理謀效益、以創新促發展”的經營理念,力求產品服務“質量、信譽”贏得了廣大客戶的信賴,同時擁有一支優秀的營銷隊伍,構建了高效的營銷網絡,使之更加適應變化多端的鋼材市場行情,公司主營:建材:沙鋼 永剛 中天 申特 馬鋼 新興 聯鑫等 螺紋 高線 盤螺 。 型材:馬鋼 日照 萊鋼 津西 唐鋼 H型鋼 角鋼 槽鋼 工字鋼 扁鋼(鍍鋅)等 管材:華岐 友發 郡城 金洲 唐鋼 等 鍍鋅管 方矩管 焊管 無縫管 等 給水球墨鑄鐵管:新興鑄管 健牛 巨康 等 。長年備庫存 50000噸。 Nanjing Hanxin Metal Material Co., Ltd. was founded in 2010 with a registered capital of 10 million yuan. Since its establishment, the company has been strongly supported and recognized by colleagues from all walks of life. It has established close cooperation relations with many banks. With the company's strong financial strength, it has a large number of cash resources all the year round, so that the company's business has been obtained. Since its inception, the company has been adhering to the business philosophy of "customer demand as the center, service for the market, management for efficiency, innovation for development", striving for product service "quality first, reputation first" to win the trust of the majority of customers, and has an excellent marketing team to build. Efficient marketing net